Senin, 15 November 2010
N3 Unity Radio adalah official radio ^^
cara request lagu disini gampang kok ^^
kamu tinggal masuk ircnya, caranya
Pakai MIRC:
* bila anda mempunyai mirc, silahkan join ke /s
* Melalui website kemudian join ke channel #N3
* cara join channel ketik /j #N3 sesudah masuk ke server irc itu.
Pakai Browser:
* atau ke
* kemudian join ke channel #N3
* cara join channel ketik /j #N3
kalo masi bingung klik aja link ini>> muach~
lalu cara request begimane????
tinggal ketik>>> !find judul lagu
trus bot bakal nyari lagu yg kamu cari, lah, kalo udah ketemu ntu lagu, tinggal copas yg formatnya !request bla_bla.mp3
nih ada contohnya:
[09:22] <RiLando> !find microsoft
[09:22] -N3-UnityRadio- Matches for *microsoft* ...
[09:22] -N3-UnityRadio- !request Microsoft Eror Songs.mp3
[09:22] -N3-UnityRadio- !request Microsoft Eror Songs.mp3
[09:22] -N3-UnityRadio- !request Windows_Microsoft_Error_Song_-_Techno.mp3
[09:22] -N3-UnityRadio- Found 3 matches... - Copy and Paste !request FILENAME into the channel to request.
[09:22] <RiLando> !request Windows_Microsoft_Error_Song_-_Techno.mp3
[09:22] -N3-UnityRadio- Thank you for your request, it has been forwarded on to the Live DJ!
command lain dari bot
- !find (seperti yang diatas)
- !req (seperti yang diatas setelah !find)
- !rate 1-5 (untuk men rating lagu yang dimainkan)
Quote[09:25] <@N3-UnityRadio> [ N3Radio is playing Windows Microsoft Error Song - Techno Version @ http://ur.nyit-nyit....8110/listen.pls ]
[09:25] <@N3-UnityRadio> [Listeners: 53/5000] | [Requests: On] | [Song Ratings: On] | [Song Rating: 5 with 3 vote(s)]
[09:27] <RiLando> !rate 5
[09:27] -N3-UnityRadio- Thank you for your song rating.
- !song
Quote[09:29] <RiLando> !song
[09:29] -N3-UnityRadio- N3Radio is currently playing Windows Microsoft Error Song - Techno Version
- !dj
Quote[09:30] <RiLando> !dj
[09:30] -N3-UnityRadio- The current DJ is: N3Radio
- !listeners
Quote[09:30] <RiLando> !listeners
[09:30] -N3-UnityRadio- Current Listeners: '451'
- !peak
Quote[09:31] <RiLando> !peak
[09:31] -N3-UnityRadio- The current peak is: 1016
semua hak cipta dari N3 Unity radio berasal dari
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